Welcoming the new year with open arms and so much expectancy ........

Having spent the holidays alone and in a foreign country gave me all the time to think about the past, the present and the future. It was a quiet time for me to reflect on my life journey. As i looked into the past year i realized that I did not have any regrets, I might have made some mistakes here and there but i am grateful for the valuable lesson that I now carry with me.

So as i begin the new year I thankful that despite everything happening around me I still have Hope that tomorrow will be a brighter day, I have hope that I am taking one step into my future and destiny. I look at this year as the beginning of a new chapter in the book of my life experiences and I might not have the plot and characters yet but what I can is this chapter is filled with Hope ,,,Hope that against all odds I will make it .....

So whatever you do in this year or wherever you don't loose Hope...

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