Negative attitudes towards single widows and poor women in our society

Her name is Harimaya Tamata. She comes from a Dalit community where her caste has been separated due to superstition and conservative traditions. Her house is in a remote area of ​​(far west )Sudurpashmi in  Nepal. While I was investigating a case of domestic violence against a woman, I saw her breaking stones on the road. My soul felt very sorry for myself. I approached her and did not introduce myself because women there are afraid to speak. As I was searching for the address of the village like a normal walker, I asked where the place called Aama(mother) Patan was. Mother was 65 years old. The first time (Harimaya tamata) mother made a sound, tears came from my eyes. To mother,

me: I asked, "Mother, did you eat?"

Mother: she said in a loving voice. I  would go and eat at 1 o'clock.

Me: Why do you grieve when a mother takes care of her son and daughter-in-law in old age? Still not breaking stones in the sun. Does the hand hurt?

Mother: What I do, (doughter) Nani? When I got child married, I lost my husband at the age of 22. I became a widow I  have 3 sons and daughters. They all got married and went their separate ways. What I do I can't kill my soul. I have to work for myself to save living my life. Me: Mother, your son, and daughter-in-law do not give you food? Mother: If I'm very happy and they give me caring, support, and loving with me why I come here today why I'm breaking stone  Nani (daughter) Me: How much do you earn a day? Mother: 1 bag breaking stone Rs. 200, sometimes 5 bags, sometimes up to 3 bags sometimes I'm getting sick  don't come Me: Mom, where do sales take all these stones? Does whos shop go to take it?

Mother: daughter No comfortable for me anything I have myself carry a heavy load my back to the shop and them gives me money. And I find it easier to make food and daily living life. Me: I was not able to speak. When I heard by her words, I was looking back and wiping away tears. And (harimaya) mother asked me and I gave her all the information

 (harimaya)mother told me happily, (daughter) "Nani, you are doing a good job. God has blessed you to fulfill your wish." I was told by my daughter to bring me a cigarette. I could not refuse. At that time I did not carry much money. I had only 500 rupees. I had to go to the end. I paid Rs. 200 and my mother told me that I could have breakfast in this profession. I told the mother(harimaya) not to grieve anymore. I will go to your local government and talk to them about you. how you can see daily her survive living life? I said goodbye to mother with the promise that I would take the initiative to raise money for you, even if it was for you. Along the way, I wondered why there was so much violence and exploitation in the human world.

I was not the very biggest rich girl. I am also a victim girl. I have faced many challenges in my life but when I hear the pain of other women sisters and mothers, I see that their pain is greater than my pain.

In front of my pain is gone. God has made me very happy. I feel very happy if I can forget my pain and wipe away the tears of others.

I have not lost anything. I am not tired. I want to show the way to some change and development in my blind conservative society. I have walked with a big dream that I have created a path with the goal of doing something for in my society.

So I want to tell my sisterhood in this world pulse that you should never think of yourself as weak and lonely. You are very lucky. You have set foot in this new world to do something. Due to the world will see the suppressed voice of women and sisters of ignorant children from our path.

                                                              love you all keep supporting and loving me 

                                                           Thank you world plus give me a change shearing for my story 

                                                             Heartly thanks to my sisters for reading my story

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