I have a dream

I have a dream
An unaffordable dream
Which doesn't need
To build a home,
One that doesn't
require me fame
Yet I can't afford.
I can't afford a life
Under the sky
Astray like a homeless
Climbing mountains
after mountains
Embracing nature
While listening
to the flow of water,
I have a dream to
wake up to the blue sky
Over the green rug of grass,
Burning woods to make
Green tea from the leaves
Picked from garden nature
And write about
Thunderstorms, lightening and rain
The beauty of wilderness
I have a dream to roam with
a pen and a diary and myself
Over crowded with abundance of nature
To talk to stars
Converse with solitude
While smoking herbs
And open the gate
To the love of existence
Every other day,
Very new places,
Ah! Why am I
But, so poor
To afford a life which
Needs no money.

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