Global action month

Last week a grade three pupil (9 years old) from a school that I once taught went missing on a Monday afternoon.She was on her way home from school.After 4 days of a serious search she was found in Harare,which is the capital city of my country.Just imagine! 300 kilometers from her school, where she was last seen by other pupils from her class.This was very disturbing.She was kidnapped by two men who wanted to kill her for ritual purposes.She was brought back home by the police but unfortunately,she was raped.

This has reminded me that we are in the global action month.Running under the theme "Children are the present, lets guarantee their future."

I have taken some steps at my school by encouraging students that I teach to participate in a campaign that I launched in the area.I have formed a club called OUR VOICE MATTERS.Through this club they will have their voices heard on matters affecting their lives.I requested the formation of a student representative committee at the school and the administration agreed.Therefore, through this club and structures we have made,they will have their voices heard. They will participate in this campaign against ecological child rights violations, early child marriages, child labour, teenage pregnancies and child sexual abuse and exploitation.

I have created a Whatsapp group and for them so that they can share their experiences and information.I educate them on the theme of violence and exploitation of children.I believe that knowledge is power. Members of this club act dramas and perform them on special occasions like Parents day and on school assemblies so as to get the message to everyone else in the area.They also write and recite poems and short stories.

In addition, I am the patron of the debate club and I give them the platform to debate around those issues so as to hear out their views.

At my local church I am a youth leader so I have also formed a talk-show where both parents and children are invited after church.To discuss issues like violence and child exploitation.The aim of including parents is to come up with better solutions.

Next week my school is going to host a sporting gala for all sporting disciplines.By this I am trying to engage other schools to get involved in this campaign as well.

During the Action Month, I encourage you to take action and speak out....

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