Indigenous Languages and Cultural History needed for Canadian Schools: Reconciliation 2020

Section 23 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Charter) gives parents belonging to an official language minority the right to have their children educated in that language. ... Provinces and territories are responsible for the implementation of minority language education rights.Aug 16, 2011

Its important that the culture and history of Indigenous Nations are implemented in Canadian Schools today for the sake of losing culture, language, and spiritual belief system's. It removes the racial boundaries for Indigenous People who had their lives removed  and identity systemically by the Education System of Canada, through the Indian Act, Day School & Residential School in partnership with the Roman Catholic Church. Removing all traces and identity of Indigenous culture and society. Native women of Coast Salish Territory had a high place in the longhouse before settlers arrived; they carried the Word of Law, handled Economic Agreements and Trade; for import and export. They chose the Chief of their nation, on their blood line and character. 

All forms of Indigenous Spirituality was removed by the Roman Catholic Church and Schooling System; to wipe out the "Indian" civilize. 

Story telling is one good way, of relaying our history, past and present Indigenous Way of Life. Native women's history is almost gone, because of Patriarchy. 

We would like to see the advancement of Indigenous People through education. Please support & care, 

Native Women carry the "word of law" of the land and sea's; we would like to hear the intelligence, technology, and wisdom from Native Women across North America without Racism, Discrimination, and Sexism. Band and Government policies and social protocols are different from longhouse laws. We seek to de-colonize and end the destruction of our nations, lands, wild-life and water through the wisdom and technology of native women! Matriarchy is highly abused, misused, and bastardized; Clan Mother's exist today, as they did 10,000 years ago! Let us move forward and Give Voice to the Women of the Longhouse and Nations for the Land and Law of the Sea's.

The Laws are carried down through the women, and they provided liaison for negotiations, when it came to sentencing, or economic development - because women did the work, traveled, and negotiated trade! Women appoint the Hereditary Chief according to his inherent bloodline, character and training, they are not elected! Native Women Rising! Native women are forced into Silence Today by Policies and Legislation; let us end the systemic racial sexualization and genocide of native women. Let us combine our intelligence, knowledge, and technology into the education system of Canada to promote quality teaching. Culture is important, and it was carefully and systemically removed under the Indian Act of Canada. Reconciliation & Education; Women from the 8th Generation Matters, Let us promote equality in education. Let us build up our own institute of technology. The Canadian Government tried to wipe out the structure of our society, buy destroying native women under the Indian Act. We are still here...please help us build up our stories and technology for the purpose of education. Native languages are not recognized yet in the Canadian Education System, after the Government of Canada systemically removed native languages under the Assimilation Policy over generations. We must move fast to save the native languages across Canada.

Your donations matter, your support matters; donate $25. $50. or $100 let us move forward and remove racism....Aho


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