Dear Woman

I wrote this in 2018 after one of my students attempted to commit suicide due to a failed relationship. She told me she could not live without her boyfriend that time, and how she felt ugly, unattractive and stupid.

As a woman and a teacher, watching her get drenched in tears as she bared her soul to me was equally heartbreaking. I hope this serves as reminder that you all are wonderful and beautiful, ladies!



Remember this, and keep this in your heart. You are not meant to be a princess who desperately needs a prince to save her. The one you will be needing in your life is a king - someone who sees you of great equal in abilities, might and intelligence. 

Make people turn around not by your face; but by your grace and strength. Gain admiration not by showing off your body, but by showing courage, compassion and honesty.

Queens do not feel threatened or unsecured. They are very much aware of their inner capacities. With everything that they have, they are always ready to rule the world.

Queens do not bring others down; but dare not to be put down, as well. Having many people around may be flattering, but nothing is better than to be surrounded by those who are ready to lift you higher.

Never be afraid to be unpopular nor be afraid to be part of the minority. A queen - no matter where she is - will command attention, and people may not like it when she shows that she can have a steel-built back and arms. 

Others may feel threatened or intimidated because of your presence - know that it is okay to be alone sometimes because there are people who hate what they do not have. Never be sorry for choosing to be strong.

So, rise from your seat, woman. Dust off the things that make you feel unpretty, unintelligent or hard to love. Walk unto the path that only brave men in history chose to journey on.

Never forget to pick up that precious piece of sparkle - the one that may have been tarnished or bent. Proudly place it on your head, and dare not to look back for it may fall.

You are strong and beautiful.

Wear your crown today.

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