Why I joined this group.

My name is ShuMaiLa. I am from Pakistan and I am a social activist. A friend of mine, who is also a social activist, directed me to World Pulse Online Community.

The main reason to join this group is because I am working on gender-based violence under the umberella of Non Profit Organizations. Currently, my active campaign is regarding Street and Public Harassment. The main theme of the campaign is to create an environment where women are free to walk on streets and travel through public transportation with being harassed by men.

The two main issues which I want to address with the help of this platform is, yes, one I have already mentioned which is street harassment and the other is harassing a woman in the name of religion. Men and Women are not the bosses of other women, interfering and controlling women lives in the name of asking them to follow religion dress code and other covers is ethically should not be acceptable as religion never enforce anything, moreover, religion is not limited to dress codes and hijab of head but focuses on purity and hijab of soul.

I am here so that my group fellows over here share with me more techniques of addressing these issues in the society other than making Campaign Pages on face book and arranging training workshops in the region.

I also want you people to support me with my campaign and be a part of it atleast by joining the campaign page on face book to add feedback to it.


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