Strengthen thy roots!

Alike the millions of women across the world , many restrain themselves within the four walled structures,living in oblivion about the world around and the changing surroundings. Their exposure to the world lies in the picture which is presented to them through their husband, father or other dominating male figure of the family. The opinion then the women form about life and the ways of living in this world is predominantly influenced by these men. Had they been allowed to see, observe and deduce , half of the prevailing problems of society would have vanished. Right from the female infanticide,to child marraige, from dowry harrasment to sexual harrasment , a woman has full right of expression and power to protect herself.

The right to education and the urge to perceive the world through her own eyes shall improve the perception and confidence of every woman. This is the utmost grassroot initiative required in every corner, state, nation of the world. To facilitate women with education and allowing them to exercise their own powers with the comprehension of their own understanding .

Every NGO / any organization that wishes to bring change in any society, shall first have to work from this grassroot level. While every action needs support, co operation, co ordination ,leadership and commitment, it is equally important that each action shall also need awareness to the issue or problem and the necessity of removing or eradicating the problem with certain actions. This aware ness can be only achieved through education. Such an action will strengthen the roots of their existence with conviction.

In few words , I proclaim:

Oh ! Gift the young lass,

a pen ,

one mightier than the sword

let her scribble on blank pages

few dreams and aspirations

her random drawn lines

resemble a worthy picture

and inspire thousand


to hold a pen

for their better future.

she shall read aloud words


acquiring knowledge and basic information...

In few words , I proclaim,

empower her ...

with education.

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