One Signature at a Time

This is not as much a story, as it's an invitation and a call to action!!

I have started a journey that I pray bears fruits and brings about the means for which it was started.

I have launched a petition to have others more aware and supportive of getting more adequate protection for the abused in my country, Trinidad and Tobago.

The ABA Movement..All for Bracelet Alerts will continue to lobby for the legislative enforcement of GPS tracking alerts/bracelets, a corresponding Victim App Alert and MANDATORY rehabilitative counseling for ALL involved in domestic violence or abusive relationships or situations, including the abusers.

ABA is calling on its sisters at World Pulse to sign, comment and share its petition, to see this change, that can save lives, impact on the lives of women, girls, men, boys and families across our country and by extension the Caribbean.

Please feel free to email me at

Click on the link to take you to the petition:



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