An Eternal Sleep

An Eternal Sleep


Born as a twig of an Almond tree,

In distant heaven called Kashmir.

Lilac in colour, skinny in shape.

With wide brown eyes curvy in shape.

Soft like silk, innocent as Dove.

Engulfed in my own cosy world.

My mother around me, holding me tight.

I clung to her chest, she swung me in arms.

One day it so happened, I fell from the tree.

Bizarre it was, as the wind shook the tree.

I fell from her arms, I lost her forever.

In an anonymous terrain.

On a rocky ground among thorny bushes.

Alone I rolled down the wobbly mountains.

In an alien zone, all Martians around.  

None to call my own, no one to be close.

The day’s passed in months and months in years.

In the survival of the fittest, I lost my innocence & youth.

I walked on difficult roads to find beautiful destinations.

In this race, I neither got beautiful nor destinations.

From a soft twig, I metamorphosed into a cactus plant.

Instead of heaven, I grew in arid Deserts.

Forlorn in a dump under the scorching heat of fate.

Unruly and harsh wind of fate turned me grey & dull.

I looked helpless, abandoned, feeble and a fool.

The storms of time withered my every leaf.

Here and there I wandered in search of a dream.

The search of a dwelling as snug as my mother’s cloak.

Benign as her lap, warm as her smile.

Days and years did I spent in pursuit of this hope.

Alone I am treading same old dream.

Waiting for a miracle or an angel to come.

Take me away, where I actually belong.

Back to my mother’s lap, shall cling to her chest.

Shall I weep one last and then go to sleep.

This twig shall have then an eternal sleep.

                                              Sumera B. Reshi




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