"THE SLASH"- A tale of the mutilated one

The International day for Zero Tolerance to Female Gentile Mutilation is here again. Believe it or not this is a lingering issue being discussed with the ought most concern and drive. Shola Alunge, Director for CHILDCARE ADVOCACY INITIATIVE is one of the many talking and making ways to work against this gruesome act of female dehumanization. There can never be enough done or said about it. So, we continue to work and speak till it is no more. As we take note of the 2020 theme; “Unleashing Youth Power: One decade of accelerating actions for zero female genital mutilation.\" Please take a moment to connect to this short poem of deep reflection.

The screams...

Like the first cries of a newborn,

It always squealed in the thick of the dark,

Sharp, piecing, distinct.

The screams...

They became music to the ears

That fortnightly wait

A fearful wait for the glorified agony

A transition to translate

Pain to Prowess

Wail to Woman

Is it so?

Why the force?

A flesh of weakness dragged through

The square of sin

Monstrous creatures toying with delicate youths

The on slaughter of a long line of young urchins

Fresh blood made to face the dreaded hour

That scene of fire, chants, blood, tears

Oh.....the screams.....

A feeling never erased

A womanhood of present

Tampered and tortured

Like a tattoo, the scar of

the Jagged-edge slash never goes.

The product of blunt-sharpness.

The cut...

The in-erasable mark

Embalmed in my tomorrow

That cut...

I feel no pleasure

I am not sensual

I am half-woman

I say....



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