ARE u Affraid of????

For example when people are keep saying of “we don’t need change” is that means that they afraid changes or maybe they just have taste that change. So the fear of changing is the first barrier which we can over come with out any facilities needed. But i f we start saying about government or some other person who has power of cause the is a problem appear.
Kyrgyzstan already showed the world that he over came inside fear and people if they are united can do a lot of things. But still under the leading of officials. You already know that we made step to wards gender balance since last elections? This year we have female president. Every body says that we are real democratic county. But according last parliamentarian elections there was any female party. Why? The majority in side every party is male. So it means we are very far. My vision of creating change is to raise up female presents in the party that will be the first step towards gender balance. Then to raise up the male present in the election commission because as far as I observed, the composition is female majority. Again why? Why women have to stay till 4 or 5 o’clock in the morning in the poling station, then to be responsible for every ballot which men asked her for falsification.
My vision of over coming is to have the strong information base, base of distribute information which can be successfully Pulse Wire and other online communities as well. The influence of Twitter, for example is very significant. I know example when that helped to change situation in Russia. So I will continue using that and do that I ve pointed even if I wont be selected:)

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