How to Alkalize Your Body

Why are we all in a state of acidosis? What is this public enemy that seems to be attacking everyone these days? What are the consequences of this acidity excess upon our general health and which is the easiest way to remedy this? Here are a few questions many people ask themselves. First of all, you should know that acidosis is a disorder of the acid-base equilibrium defined by a decrease of the pH level or increase of blood acidity (the pH becomes less than 7.40). Secondly, there are some simple ways to alkalize your body without going through expensive treatments.

Drink enough water
Although hydration is essential for our health and the doctors don’t stop warning us about its importance, the statistics say that eight out of ten people do not drink enough water. Water plays an active role within out body, helping the blood flow smoothly, boosting lymphatic system, and providing fluidity of movement in the muscles and tendons.

While drinking water is of utmost importance, did you know that it also matters which kind of water you are drinking? Tap water is not always the best solution, but this does not mean you have to start buying bottled water as there are simple solutions to it. You can find an interesting water ionizer machine here that will help you separate the alkaline water from the acidic one and use both of them to boost your help.

Avoid acidifying foods
The problem with acidifying foods is that they are pushing our body to always find its natural balance. Trying to reduce acidity, the body draws on our most alkaline resource - the bones – decalcifying them; hence the increased risk for osteoporosis. Despite the common belief, drinking milk does not help our body fight osteoporosis. On the contrary, it makes it worse because of milk’s acidifying effect. While infants have an enzyme called lactase, which enables them to digest breast milk, this enzyme disappears from the body at a very early age, when the infant begin to eat solid foods.

In a nutshell, avoid consuming in excess foods like alcohol, cereals, dairy products, meat and cereals. You should, of course, make sure that you maintain a balanced diet and nobody says you should eliminate these foods totally from your dietary regime, but minimizing the intake would help you alkalize your body.

Reduce stress
As anyone knows it by now, stress is our health’s ultimate enemy. It may seem impossible to eliminate it totally from our lives, but you can certainly use different strategies to reduce its amount and limit the effect it has upon your body. Try to draw a line between your work issues and your private life, spend more time doing the things you love, get outdoors and try taking on a form of physical activity like jogging, hiking, or even walking. There are some small changes you can bring to your daily routine that will have a tremendous effect upon your general state of health.

If you are concerned about your level of blood acidity and want to reduce it, try out these simple things. Taking advantage of the power of alkaline water, hydrating yourself properly, balancing your diet and reducing stress are always welcomed and will always work to your general state of health’s benefit.

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