The Snapchat Generation!

The generation that asks for small conversations over deep talks, the generation that is busy showing off their Starbucks coffee, the generation that seeks casual relationships over serious commitments, the generation that posts about mental health issues in their social medias but does not make a small effort to check on their friends, the generation that uses \"Netflix and chill\" as their favorite phrase; well to wrap that is the \"Snapchat Generation\". Just like how swiftly the messages disappear in Snapchat, people disappear and people always leave! Sometimes I question myself, do I actually belong to this generation? I feel like I am trying my best to adjust in this setting. I am wondering how many of us are feeling similarly or must be cursing at me for talking against this generation. Well fuck off! If you don't feel like reading you can always skip it, but today I need to vent out. I need to vent out about how I feel about my generation. I am not okay with a guy asking me out and suddenly disappearing because he just felt lazy? I am not okay with the friends who keep asking me how are you, but can do nothing about it when I say I am not fine? I am not okay with the tons of social media attention seekers, who make me feel insecure about my existence? I deactivated all my social medias for a month and trust me I have never felt so energized and recharged after that! I just want to go back to the days where exchanging letters, catch up over coffee, deep conversation under stars would make a real meaning to life. Do you think me to have certain expectations in this swipe right generation is okay?  I wish I had the control to swipe left to some people for like forever! I mean why do you appear in my screen if you're just not even 1 percent similar to what I expect? 

The last message I have for this \"Snapchat Generation\"---- please be kind to people around you and sometimes think with your heart not with your brains. At least for once please!

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