My views on this Campaign!

The internet access! It’s like miracle for me. When I look back to my past I hardly can believe these day’s changes. Those days, I hardly had heard about the Telephone, Computer, and Television. Moreover the internet was so far from my thinking.
Post office was the only way for communication so that we should used to wait for a long time almost a month to catch the reply from our relatives and friends. No telephone was there in my village, we should walk 2 hours to use it in governmental telephone communication office. I first caught the telephone after passing out my high school education and came to Kathmandu the capital city. That time telephone was miracle for me. Day by day, the technology became so advanced and dispersed its availability. Computer, telephone then became use to for me. Gradually, I became known about the internet. I started to use internet during graduating. Slowly, I became cognized using email-internet. And now it’s been an undivided friend for making my life easy and informative.

Internet access and my life:

Internet access is a powerful tool to make global as own village. Like same as other feel, accessibility of the internet is most important to make own life valued and awakened.
Internet really has made my life cherished in every aspect. It has taught me to use the time for getting more new information, to be connected with friends and family within a minute, to be aware about the global issues (like as human rights, adverse effect of climate change, woman related issues and so on), to find out friend from across the globe, to share and to view the different voice from the different people worldwide and many more.
Internet has saved my time to search for things related to my study, related to my hobbies, related to health issues. When I hear some new issues/ news I first surf the internet to be more informative and that helps me to be aware. When I get any confusion about any issues, meaning of words, confusion about some rumors, internet is first thing to come in my mind to be informative and that has helped me a lot.
When my daughter was sick due to UTI and Dr suggested to use antibiotic by vein, I was worried and did surf internet about the side effects of that mentioned antibiotic and I was scared when I saw the possible bad effects of that medicine and decided not to use this but in place of that I discussed with Dr and found out the other good way. This experience is what made me so positive to access the internet.
Internet access has carried lots of fortune so that I found out the World pulse and I have been introduced so many friends from the world that really has made me cheerful.Listening the voice of friends in world pulse has energized my shady feelings and I always have been inspired to do something good. I thought I am not alone having same feeling but I have many friends to support my voice which is amazing indeed!!
As I felt always good and helpful, Internet is very important for all human beings and we women most have it to raise our voice loudly and to be aware on women related global issues.


Obstacle with me is power cutoff by state and slow speed. If I think about the women from very remote villages where they have been still live their lives as in Stone Age, how can they have facility to access internet so that lack of development of basic infrastructure is main cause to be bereaved from it.

Lastly, I would like to remind that everything has both sides good as well as bad. And Internet also is not exceptional. It also has both bad and good side. Like as, if we use fire we can cook food, get warm but if misuse it converts our life into ash in few seconds. Similarly, use in a good way of internet access is very great and useful to us otherwise misuse can just wastes our time, make our mind and body dull and also can creates unwanted problems.
I prefer that every state should have cyber law so that we can feel safe from cyber crimes.
As internet access meant to me a lot; I wish that every country, every society, everybody must have internet availability, it must be the fundamental rights to everyone including women.

In a time when freedom of expression and equal access to knowledge and ideas has become synonymous with access to the Internet, World Pulse is asking women worldwide: What does "Universal Internet Access and Digital Freedom" mean to YOU? This month, we invite you to raise your voice by writing about the everyday obstacles you face and risks you take in accessing the Internet, or how you have used it to change lives and bring about positive change in your community. Click here to learn more about this campaign and how to participate.

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