"VOF Week 3: (Give Blogging a Chance)."

I introduced myself to the idea of blogging couple years ago. And I’ve seen it becoming more and more popular as time passes. It looks like people have the need to express and realize themselves. Obviously blogging was one of the easiest and most convenient solutions.
I have also been thinking about having my own blog. I was studying abroad, so I wanted to have a blog of my adventures while not at home. It is also a good way to keep everyone updated of what is going on in my life. But somehow I never did it.
Now when I think about it, I think it is a mistake I didn’t do it because I had the need to express myself. I had the need to talk not only about where I travel, but also about what I feel and how I feel about some issues that seemed important to me.
And even though I thought again about having a blog, I still don’t have one. It seems I am afraid of many things. First if anyone would read it. I mean why people would read a blog of a 22-year old from a Macedonia. It just doesn’t make any sense. Other thing that I don’t feel confident about is my writing. Am I a good writer at all? And last thing is commitment. I don’t know if I can post in my blog forever. What if I don’t actually like doing it anymore? Can it just stop like that?
And now comes the big question. What can I do to overcome this barriers? Probably just a little bit more confidence would be the solution. I know you don’t necessarily need to be the best writer in order to have a blog. And if you want to stop writing it is up to you. And the blogging community is so big, so there is always someone that wants to read. And at least in blogging no one has to judge you by age or race or nationality. So in the end it is all up to the person, its character and personality. If one is comfortable writing and comfortable people reading what he or she writes, then there should be no special barriers. But for people like me who are still a little bit scared it can be a good way to learn how to share what they know and what they experience so they can appreciate themselves better and believe in who they are.
In the end I would feel comfortable saying that there are no real barriers when one wants to blog. It is always just a personal choice. If you want to do it, you would do it no matter what. I hope I will overcome my own barriers and give blogging a try.

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