Find what your in this life to do

For so many people the big question in their life is what they are actually here for.

The most difficult part about finding what you love and are passionate about is comparison with others. Well that person is doing that so maybe I could try that; this person looks successful and happy so maybe that is what I should be doing. It is only when we start looking at ourselves and knowing who we are from 'our' point of view that we can really get down to the nitty gritty of what makes us unique.

It is this knowing of our unique qualities we bring to our lives that allow us to channel them into the things we do and start understanding what gifts we brought to share with the world.

You have to really find yourself away from what people have told you about who you are; about the impressions from society; your family and friends. Discover who you are or who you want to be based on how you feel. This connection with self will give you the answers you need to find everything to make you happy and fulfilled.

The answers really are within; our world outside just shows us where we are now not who we are or are going to be.

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