Assignment Two

I was born, raised and have spent most of my life in a small city in West Central Pennsylvania. As a woman of minority descent, living in a predominantly Caucasian town, I have personally experienced and witnessed discrimination, racism, stereotyping and just plain disrespectful treatment of people who fail to fit into the socially acceptable box constructed by man. The mentality of selected people in this area has inhibited the growth of children, as well as adults from fulfilling their full potential.
As advanced as this country is in areas such as science, medicine, industry, military etc. one would think that we would also excel at advancing in human relations. Disappointedly we fail horribly in this category. The time has come to reprogram our present way of thinking. It’s time to view each and every human being, no matter what race, creed, religious background, social status, color, job title, etc. as equal creations made in the light of God’s spirit. It’s time to open our minds to the thought that God created us with differences to enable us to embrace and learn from those differences rather than despising each other for them. It’s time for us to reach out with our spirits and accept the each other with our hearts.
I aspire to use my talent in writing to paint a picture of the beauty of the heart and soul without revealing a face. When the outer shells of self are diminished, the true spirit is illuminated, allowing all to see that our foundations are the same. Web 2.0 and Voices of Our Future posits the capability for the heart to pulsate without a face to distort a view.

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