I decide NOT to sleep when I need to be awake
I decide NOT to listen when I should be talk
Where I should NOT talk I decide to listen
I decide NOT to ignore when I should learn
I decide NOT to cry when I should smile
Where I should create I decide NOT to kill
I decide NOT to walk when I should fly
I decide NOT to hide when I should be seen
Where I should sing, I decide NOT to hum
I decide NOT to be IN when I should be OUT
I decide NOT to quit when I should try
Where I should see I decide NOT to close my eyes
I decide NOT to stay when I should leave
I decide Not to sit when I should Dance
Where I should shout I decide NOT to whisper
I decide NOT to give excuses when I should give reasons
I decide NOT to be ruled when I should rule
Where I should be ruled I decide NOT to rule
I decide NOT to take when I should give
I decide NOT to divide when I should gather
I decide NOT to DIE when I should LIVE

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