suffering .... that which is created by the mind...spirit not limited by that

the only way this moment is uncomfortable is if I think so. what a gift to be aware when an emotion arrives, I understand that it only last a minute if I choose to breath and smile inside at what arrived. i greeted depression, fear, anxiety and dispair when i woke this day. it's safe to come into the light i tell them, from a place of observance i watch as they fade away and i'm free to join the party again. i'm free.... there's a choice in not having anywhere to go, nothing you have to do... to bask in the joy given or try to fight it with distraction and busy work. to only have myself to appreciate or not; the gift of self compassion is there for all of us to take. Open your heart to love, listen to that breath of life and enjoy the music within.... blessings and light this day and always Cheryl Rask

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