Hope Project

A rural African woman spends most of her time searching for firewood, some
walk for distances in search for the same. When she finally gather enough,
she bundle it up on her back. She gets home weary yet her whole family
looks up on her full of anticipation. The society has acknowledged this
fate as the woman continues to suffer silently. At the age of 50 years,
the women joints and back are all pain because of carrying heavy loads. My
bold idea is to change this trend utterly, by introducing biogas in every
I plan to buy a cow –for 50 families to start with-which should be zero
grazed. The cow dung will be beneficial in various ways;
1. As manure which will be used for farming to feed the family and sell
the surplus. This will enable the family to send the children to school
and buy their basic needs
2, As biogas, the woman will be released from the burden of carrying
firewood .This will give her more time for herself, her family and her
3. Other benefits of the cow are to provide the family with milk,which is
an important in our bodies since it gives calcium.They will also extra
income from excess milk
We will monitor the cows closely and arrange for artificial insemination
when the cow is on heat. The family will retain the first calf, but then
give the second calf to another needy family. This pyramid will go on
until entire village benefits.
I believe the project dubbed ” HOPE PROJECT “ give hope to the society

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