Never understimate the power of a woman!!!

Today!!!, is monday, iam just overwhelmed over the many things around us as Women, Girls, Mothers etc Do we believe that every issue around us is a woman's issue? How about our kids?
The stronger you are, mentally, physically, and spiritually the better equipped you will be able to care for others! We can all make this world a better place In life, we'er given many paniful learning experiences, sometimes valuable. we at sometimes get overwhelmed by the little things around us, Have you ask yourself today what different I, YOU, ME,have made in someone's life? Let our children issue be of our interest , since all is concern and are interlinked let it be a team work.Smart women feel the need to succeed without greed. No one can be an expert at everything, value every moment you're in, treasure, the lives you touch. How about doing something for nothing! we need to choose to grow from the little situctions we find hard to understand, and work to putting up a challenge,anything is possible. Look around us every day a child is been abuse, rape etc.... Let's hear the chicken crow for awakeness
[.Findly let's us drink from the wisdom and apply the meaning of those words from George Washington's farwell address ;If you have fields and will not ploug them your barns will be empty, If you have books and will not give instructions, your children will be ignorant! If your barns be empty, your years and mouths will be unsupplied, If your children be ignorant, propriety and justice will not abound among them ]; some may abel me as conservative, however iam only being pragmatic, we all got smart kids around us and mature wants too. Don't let someone tell you what you can't do, what are the values we as women got on our kids? This is a challenge for all.Good day!!!l

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