When you're happy and you know it...

... clap your hands! : )

I am just feeling so blessed today-- with all the wonderful people here, with what a good day/week/year this has been, with the pieces falling into place in my life at last, with old dreams reborn and now coming true.

Now I can see better how all the old heartaches, closed doors, detours, lost causes and so called failures of the past have actually been preparing me and leading me to This Time in My Life.

I am happy in my own skin, at last, ... and that's all it actually basically took, to be happy in one's own skin, to stay close to one's bones, to keep one's pelt intact, to stay true to the callings of one's heart and soul, no matter what other people think or say, no matter what happens.

It's been a difficult, life, yes; but it's been wonderfully rich, too.

I wouldn't have it any other way!


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