One week tenat in husband's house

India is a land of divesity with hundreds of languages spoken by people each language has its own media be it electronic or print but still their are hundreds of cases aginst women that go un-noticed everyday therfore i am taking an initative to report few. This is a story of a girl who is a native of Meerut Western Uttar Pradesh according to her parents wish she got engaged to a boy in Delhi an Engineer by profession working in middle east she was happy as she was entering in to a new life with all the dream and desire of fist night in her eyes she got marreid the night passes so was the day she was happy, happiness also passed and now starts the sadest days of her life she was beaten by he laws on the pre text of not getting CAR in DOWARY the parents were poor three more children to be taken care off failed to give the car. The girl was beaten black and blue every day and was send in JAMAT (Islamic ritual where people go to follow Islam) with out consences when she came back from Jamat she was sent back to her parents house, Meerut and was told to get a CAR with her if she wants to stay bride groom took a first flight back to Middle East and never turned back after a week time she got divorced and was back to her parents home to stay with them for ever and ever today she is depress fail to over come a week that she has spend in a new house a new house where she was tenant for a week. Their are thousands of girls suffer like this every day but the media has very limited space to cover issues like this as it is more important for them to cover PAGE THREE PARTIES and other HOT AND HAPPENING INCIDENTS IN COUNTRY.....

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