My story angle: Torment and Stigma of Fistula: When women’s Health Rights are politicized

Just to brain storm on my suggested topic.
I wish to write on the most neglected maternal condition (fistula). In Uganda 3% of women say they have experienced fistula and yet the services for repair are not readily available nor accessible or affordable.

Of recent government has put in a policy to prioritize maternal health and yet fistula care remains shadowed. My issue is why is the treatment of fistula not a forthcoming reality amidst the good policies. I have read some policy documents but it is only the prevention that is feasible but treatment is still not clearly targeted. I my day to day work as a policy analyst and interested in women issues, especially maternal health, I note fistula has had little attention.

So, my story angle will be on fistula as a horrifying situation and yet not critically attended to.(I will look at the social, economic, cultural aspects of fistula to the woman and community).

To World Pulse, I think much as we are advocating for women rights, it is clear that maternal health is a human right. So why is fistula still a mysterious maternal problem???. As we prioritize maternal health issues, fistula should stand out as a prominent issue.( I will use my experience on advocacy for population issues /policy to write the front line journal)

I hope this will give me a good front line journal. Your comments are welcome.

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