Calling on your leadership for UN Women campaign!

Dear members of the PulseWire Advisory Council,

Happy New Year!

This year I look forward to working with all of you to define the purpose and role of this group - and how we can work together effectively to shape the future of PulseWire and build THE platform for the global women's movement.

This week we kicked off an important campaign on PulseWire, which we hope can leverage our community as a pipeline for channeling the voices, needs and recommendations of grassroots women leaders - to the halls of power, like the new UN Women agency. I hope that you will help lead this effort by participating in our campaign!

As the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women officially begins its work this month, World Pulse is asking women worldwide: What is YOUR vision and recommendation for UN Women?

As PulseWire members, you make up a global community of grassroots women leaders and supporters of women's initiatives whose voices are powerful. Your thoughts and opinions are a valuable resource for this agency on the needs of women in your households, local communities, and nations.

We invite you to raise your voice by writing a letter to UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet outlining your recommendation for how this new UN agency can truly affect change on the ground to promote gender equality and uphold the rights and needs of women both on a local and global scale. What should their priorities be? What are the real issues you and women in your community face on the ground? What is your hope for what UN Women can accomplish in the coming years?

Share your own story of gender inequality and your vision for the future. Be a spokesperson for the women in your community and join global sisters in calling upon the leaders of UN Women to listen to our needs and our voices.


  1. Write a Letter
    Use your PulseWire journal to write a letter, sharing your personal and observed experiences in gender inequality, and outline your recommendation on ways the UN Women agency can truly affect change on the ground to uphold the rights and needs of women. Address your letter to UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet and sign your letter stating your name, city and country.

  2. Tag your Journal
    In the tag field of your journal, type UN Women to be sure your letter is included in the campaign and reaches UN Women offices.

  3. Be Heard!
    At the end of January, World Pulse will be printing all the journals tagged UN Women and mail them to Michelle Bachelet and members of the UN Women Executive Board.

  4. Be Published!
    Throughout the month of January World Pulse will select and publish the most powerful letters in the Community Letters column of our online Magazine.

  5. Support your Global Sisters
    To get inspiration for your own letter, read the letters of your fellow PulseWire sisters (and brothers!) and offer your support by commenting on their journal. Feel the power of our unified voices!


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