Help get the issues most important to grassroots women on governments' agendas!

Dear Sisters, Activists, and Supporters of the Movement to End Gender-Based Violence,

I would like to share with you an opportunity to help get the issues most important to grassroots women around the world to the forefront of governments' agendas by participating in a survey conducted by Women Thrive Worldwide. Many of you participated in our community letter writing campaign to help pass the International Violence Against Women Act, in which World Pulse partnered with Women Thrive Worldwide to gather your testimonies and submit them to US President Barack Obama.

Women Thrive Worldwide was moved by the power of your voices, which made waves for US legislation around ending international violence against women. They are now seeking your input to help shape their strategy moving forward by participating in a survey to identify the issues most important to women that they should advocate for. Below is more information from Women Thrive Worldwide about their organization and how you can help focus advocacy on what is most important to you and your community. As a thank you - for completing their survey - they are offering you their recently published Guide to Funding for Global Women’s Organizations.

  • English Version

  • French version

  • Spanish Version coming soon

Dear Friend,

Women Thrive Worldwide is a pressure group based in Washington, D.C. that pushes for U.S. government policies and aid programs that help women and families lift themselves out of poverty.

We work to:

  1. Ensure that both women’s and men’s needs are included in the design and delivery of U.S. assistance, and,

  2. Increase U.S. government investments for women and girls, especially in the area of economic opportunities and rights.

Women Thrive Worldwide is exploring what issues will be most important to grassroots women over the next 10 years in order to set an agenda that represents their priorities.

We hope that you will take 5-10 minutes to complete our short survey. At the end of the survey is a link to our recently published Guide to Funding for Global Women’s Organizations. The guide is in English only at this time.

To complete the short survey, click here:

Projet d'enquête sur les expériences des femmes vivant dans le Sud

Objet: Veuillez remplir ce bref questionnaire et puis accéder gratuitement à notre guide de financement!

Chers ami(e) s,

Women Thrive Worldwide est un groupe de pression- plaidoyer basé à Washington, DC qui influence les politiques du gouvernement des États-Unis et les programmes d'aide aux femmes et aux filles pour lutter contre la pauvreté ou s’en sortir de conditions de pauvreté.

  1. S'assurer que les besoins des hommes et des femmes son inclus dès la conception jusqu’ à la mise en œuvre de programmes d’assistance du gouvernement des Etats-Unis

  2. Accroître les investissements du gouvernement des Etats-Unis pour que les femmes et les filles, en particulier, accèdent aux opportunités économiques et au droits.

Women Thrive Worldwide voudrait explorer les questions-les thématiques qui seront le plus importantes, pour les femmes œuvrant à la base, au cours des 10 prochaines années. Ces thématiques nous permettrons d'établir des programmes qui représentent les priorités des femmes œuvrant à la base.

Nous espérons que vous prendrez 5 à 10 minutes pour répondre à ce questionnaire. A la fin de ce questionnaire, vous trouverez un lien vers le guide de financement à l’intention du monde des organisations féminines œuvrant dans le Sud. Ce guide de financement a été récemment publié, malheureusement à ce moment, nous ne disposons que de la version anglaise.

Pour répondre à ce bref questionnaire, veuillez cliquez ci-dessous:

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