Nicaragua Introduces Deadly Law

The title of the article is Killer law by Rory Carroll from The Guardian. If true and accurate, the contents are as heart breaking as they are infuriating. Last November, Nicaragua joined Chile and El Salvador in criminalizing all abortions. According to Carroll, there are no exceptions for rape, incest, or life- or health-threatening pregnancies. The result: 82 deaths to date.

Without getting into the pro-life, pro-choice debate, I want to express my outrage against a law that carelessly endangers women's lives in the name of "the fight to protect the unborn." Please. Under this law, even though my first pregnancy was technically a blighted ovum, and therefore, never viable, I would not have been able to get a D&C if suggested by my doctor, I would have had to let nature take its course and hope, HOPE, for a positive outcome! (which by the way, is what I did and the outcome was positive. But, I was given a choice) One spokesman was even quoted making this sweeping claim, "The conditions that justified therapeutic abortion now have medical solutions." Does this person not realize that sometimes the solution is to abort the pregnancy?

It is so clear to me now the need for PulseWire. Women must have a space to come together to support each other, start movements, and affect change that has the potential to transform our world. I don't know what I can do affect policy in Nicargua, but I'll be keeping my eyes open.

To read the full article, please click here:

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