Weave the Web - The election call

To all my World Pulse sisters and brothers - Although the shockwaves are still rippling through my body and soul, there is one thing I know for sure, this moment for me is a global call to rise.

To rise together and hold each other. To my global sisters and brothers - within our borders and across our borders, thank you for your texts and messages of solidarity over the last 24 hours. We are grieving and know this election is ominous for your lives - all our lives - and the earth.

To rise and keep pushing forward with a digital communication web that goes beyond "information technology" to "relationship technology" to unite us so we can more rapidly support each other emotionally and with the exchange of resources and wisdom for massive structural and societal change.

This moment is a louder call for women to lead and keep weaving the web, ever wider, across the globe. If we hold each other, this web of support and strength will be our most resilient global economic plan, our most secure global security strategy. At a moment that is planet pivotal - this web will be our immune system for the earth. And the technology in the palms of our hands . . . . we hold the power to transform it from weapons of mass distraction to portals of purposeful connection and change.

We will band together inclusively with greater focus. We will step up the art of alliance-building, of linking networks, of transformational media and storytelling. We will find joy and celebration in each other - and cry together too. Together we hold so much power now to bring healing to our communities and the globe.

We will share lessons. For us here in the US, we didn't see clearly the depths of our divides. We will open our eyes wider and our hearts wider.

We will call forth new models and new strategies. We will keep standing with and for those most vulnerable, for the parents, children, and families, for those that must be heard.

We Will Wage Love and Keep Weaving the Web

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