
I am thrilled/exhilarated/comforted by this community. Ok, I don't know how to say what I want to express so instead I will describe the feeling.

I moved to Portland, Oregon on a whim without a job, a house, a car, or very many friends. I moved because of where I was in my life in Maryland. I was stuck on a path I was not ready to travel. It was not a bad path but it was not the right one for me. It involved compromises that as a strong young women I was not ready to make. So I moved to prove to others and mostly myself that I am self-sufficient and I control my destiny, not the forces that surround me.

When I arrived I missed a few things from my old life. I missed connecting to other strong young women and I missed helping others and (while still acting independently) accepting support and gaining strength from others.

So, I am thrilled/exhilarated/comforted to offer support to all of you and gain strength from my connections with all of you. I hope we bond over Pulse Wire.

In friendship,

Jenna Kellam

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