Revolution of Words Through Web.2.0

When I was little, I used to wait for the daily newspaper in the morning because that was the only way for me to know about the world and my country. It was like waiting today to know what happened yesterday or the day before yesterday through the daily newspaper. Thanks to technology, I don’t have to wait for tomorrow to know about today. Through face book, twitter, blogs, online magazine and online newspaper I am able to know what is happening in the world in every seconds. This is the most exciting part for me about web.2.0. Moreover, web.2.0 gives opportunity to everyone to share themselves. You don’t have to worry about” whom to tell my stories, my sufferings!” You don’t have to find a traditional publication to share your ideas and pathways to the whole world. When you are using web.2.0, you are a revolutionist and idealist whenever you share your story to the whole world. You don’t have to worry about censorship. You can exactly tell the world your stories the way you want.

In this world, most of the society function in a way that censor women’s ideas more than men’s ideas. In this case, web.2.0 is a powerful tool for women to show their merits and skills through expressing ideas, solutions, and suggestions. Web.2.0 can help in many ways to empower women. For example, within a short time it can help a small group of women to make a bigger group through using social network like face book. Women from one corner of the world can easily know about women from the other corner. They don’t meet each other, but by reading each other’s stories they are powerfully inspired by themselves. They can feel that they are not alone in this world. A bright example is ‘worldpulse,’ which proved that for solving women’s issues, sharing their stories is very important.

The world is changing in every second. A second can affect lots of thing. If I share my stories one minute later, I might lose one reader. If I want to share my stories through traditional newspaper or publications, it might not reach to the whole world in a short period of time. Therefore, web.2.0 is a powerful way for women to discover the path of justice in every moment through the revolution of their words.

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