My baby

When I was much younger, my uncle raped me. This sent me into spiral depression and into the arms of Ivan, my ex-fiance. He was sweet at first until all the sweet became sour. He would tear me down so I didn't feel like I could be better than dirt. He would hit me when I would ask questions, or when I wanted food. I lost almost all my weight, and when I didn't want to have sex, he would take it, no matter what. After a year of this we became engaged and everything seemed to right itself, we were happy again. This was a false assumption as he slipped back into what he was before. Then, a miraculous thing happened, I found out I was pregnant. I was happy to start a chapter of being a mom, unfortunately that wasn't his plan. Only a week after I found out, he pushed me down a flight of stairs and I instantly lost the baby. Beside all the physical toll my body endured, my mental wellbeing suffered. I am still dealing with this today and I have to live day by day.

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