Pulse Point Meeting

A cross section of the more than 200 girls
A cross section of the more than 200 girls
The joy of having as strong voice.
The joy of having as strong voice.

I served this piece for last for a reason.I wanted to share when all VOF 2016 leaders are done with their panel presentations. On the 22nd of April 2016,two VOF leaders Sherna Alexandros and myself had the rare honor and privilege of speaking in front of World Pulse staff.This was the first time it ever happened. We were given topics in the form of questions to prepare our speeches.

Q 1.Why, after joining World Pulse, have you stayed engaged in the community?

Q 2. Where do you see World Pulse going in the future? How could we make it even better, even stronger, even more effective?

Below are just a few of my reasons for staying engaged to the World Pulse community.

  • For me, a clearer vision for yourself and your community via Voices of the Future is enough reason to stick around.

  • All the instructors were so passionate and committed about helping the leaders to grow and find their paths.

  • Busayo's Empowerment model blew my mind.I have known what my purpose in life is but hearing her throw so much light and with such passionate was an incredible experience.At this point in my life I know so well where am heading because of the "haha moment" I got during the empowerment model class.

  • Exposure- I was a teenage mother and for so many years was laughed at and bullied.I turned things around and became a leader and a writer but never shared certain parts of my life till recently thanks to World Pulse.Instead of laughing at my story or being judgmental this not -so -perfect story has been brought to the limelight.World Pulse Global Issues page picked it up first,followed by Times Magazine.Unify.org picked with a much bigger audience and now Chime for Change has just reached out to me for permission to publish on their more than 800 channels around the world.What more can I say but a big thank you.

  • I learn more about different cultures as I read from women's stories from different nations.

  • There is the exchange and transfer of knowledge. World Pulse is a place where sisters cry and laugh with each other and not at each other.For so many years I lived in a community where girls pull each other down,they tear apart,gossip and backbite.But for the first I am in a community where sisters encourage,uplift,empathize,empower,inspire,nurture and give praises where it is due.

  • Friendships/networks /connections are being built everyday.

  • The pull of resources are endless.

  • Through my volunteer work as community champion I stay grounded, focused and organized (activity log).

  • I get to learn more leadership skills through Voices of the Future and also have the opportunity to utilize my own gifts and talents where I get to engage with women and encourage them to use their voices.In return my own voice is being heard.

  • Also the realization that with the passage of time, the World Pulse connection will only growstronger, rather than fading away is a big motivation to stay around the community.

Q 2.Where do you see World Pulse going in the future? How could we make it even better, even stronger, even more effective?

World Pulse's signature training,​Voices of the Future has been a turning point in my life and a way to create more visibility for my vision and thus hopefully a means to more exposure for my work and raise more funds, but I wish they World Pulse could do the following:

  • Offer a fundraising-for-nonprofits training class online? ​Or provide a database of start-up funds for women.

  • What are ways that VOF could accommodate more Leaders each round/year?and add bullying prevention to the program.

  • The website could use a little help to enable people to navigate easily.

  • Grassroots outreach programs .

  • And an Ambassador program which I already pledged to be the World Pulse Ambassador for Cameroon.Haha.

With Regards to where I see World Pulse in the future?

  • Digital literacy will be increased

  • Increased in the number of empowered women—as I am empowered I help empower others.

  • Many taboos will be broken-rights and dignities will be restores

  • World pulse will create more world leaders.

Now its your turn to share your thoughts by answering the above questions.

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