What is stopping you?

What is your comfort zone? I always asked this question whenever I wanted to try something new. Somewhere in my news feed, i read, “If you want to grow, you have to come out your comfort zone”. This statement has always made me question my growth as a person that I am now or trying to be. Whenever there is a new opportunity, I do have a lot of doubt about whether I will be able to enjoy it or whether I can make it work. Trust me, being an introvert stresses you about the consequences even though you know you are overthinking. So, now before this thought pops out I always say to myself, “If you stay where you are, you will never learn\". So I jump out of excitement and say that I will grow, I will fail and I will learn. People out there who underestimate themselves, keep saying this to yourself “it’s going to be fine\" and try it anyways so that you can tell yourself that at least you tried. Trust me, the sense of freedom and contentment you get from that experience will make you say 'Yes, I am alive'.

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