I would hope to see the women over fifthy to have choices

I hope what I am adding here will bring value, Or start a movement in this area. somethings have to change for women of age. There is know place for a woman of age to change there Carrers to the letter. Women like myself have been left of the sideline wishing and hoping there is a place for us.

We are older and wiser we are not Dead.!

I hope to change some things in that area. I hope I am speaking for other women of age, I have found a fabulous business that I am proud of I enjoy but I don't have the knowledge are the expertise to do it without a Mentor.I have made some money on it.
Never in my life have I ever made money on a home business Never but I did and I know other women will to. If I can just get the word out to let them know that they can. I wish someone with some expertise to guide me into what I need to do, The resources also.

People have made so much money in less than a month I am basically watching from the sidelines. I don't have anyone to I can turn to get the help, I need to get my business up and running. I am on a fix income.

I don't know who to speak to about attaining that Goal without funding it. I was abuse most of my life. I raise my children alone. they went college, I fell sick. After my children went to college. Was not able to get back on my feet.

Very hard no I don't want to be Disable I want my Independents back. I don't know were to get started. Just wish there was some mentors for us women of age who want to be to be Independent. I want to live the rest of my years with Gusto.
I want to make A Differents.!

I know it is a lot of us out there I just don't were. We need mentors people who are willing to help us make it happen not only for us but a lot of people who are on assistance and they don't have to be. There is a way out just ask me!

Blessings Apologize for being long winded!

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