A bit sad

The one guy I work for in the mornings passed away this afternoon. I was there from 10-12 and was supposed to go back after I finished with my other lady at 6. I guess it was how he reminded me of my father just before he passed away that I had asked the hospice lady about it. I said I thought the doctor had said he had 6 months and she said she thought it would be much quicker but couldn't say how long so wrote a schedule showing only until Friday. She had to leave but another Hospice nurse would be in at 12 to relieve me.

I am very glad I kept wiping his face and playing with his hair like he always asked me to do. He had been sleeping all that morning but I noticed how his breathing was different as it got to noon. I was thinking \"my dad began breathing this way and passed 3 days later\" so figured he would last another few days at most.

When I began working for him just last month he was very glad I was Aleut too and we got along very well. He liked me to play with his hair since I guess his mother did that when he was little. Before this week I thought he just might make it to his next birthday this June but he slowly got worse as the cancer took a firm hold on him.

I left just after noon to take care of the other lady and it was very strange. Right around 4:30 I became very restless and wasn't sure why. The lady I worked for noticed and asked me about it but I said I was not sure why but I just felt a bit weird. We were running late for dinner since she wanted to wait for the lady who came at 6 to relieve me and it took me about 10 minutes to get everything washed up so the other lady would not have to do it. By the time I got over to the guy's place it was about 6:20 and I was thinking it was strange she had not called to ask me where I was. I thought I had mixed up the days and maybe was not supposed to work and almost headed straight home but decided to stop in and check on him even if I did not have to work tonight.

She was standing outside with a few of her friends and I wondered what was going on and asked her if I was supposed to work and she had tears in her eyes and said he passed at 4:30 this afternoon. I went in just as they were wrapping him up.

I remember the story he had told me of his mother passing and how she had told him when he heard she had passed to look out the window and if it was sunny she was happy and if it was cloudy she was sad. He said he somehow knew when the phone rang it would be his father so he looked out the window and saw the sun shiny especially beautiful. I had to smile since even though we had our volcano send up a bit of ash and it was a bit cloudy you could tell the sun was trying it's hardest to shine and I know he was happy.

It always makes me a bit curious how we can somehow sense these things. When I got home I had connected my being restless starting right around 4:30 with his passing right then too and told the girls about it. The girls asked if I was sad and I moved the curtains to show how the sun was trying to shine and said I was very glad I had played with his hair when I was there.

So, just a bit sad but know he is happy...


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