Sweet Potatoes with Peanut Sauce, from Auma in Kenya

PulseWire user Auma sent me this recipe via email. It looks so good, I'd like to share it with you all.

If you try it, do let us know how it turns out.

Thank you, auma!!


on Monday, December 3, Auma wrote:

Hi Maria,

Try out this Kenyan food.Most African Dishes take long
to cook,but we have created some and pirated some from
other communities.Thank you for inviting me to this
team coz i really love cooking,or tasting other dishes
that have been made by other people.

Sweet Potatoes with Peanut Sauce

2 sweet potatoes-washed and cut into big slices

4 heaped tablespoons peanut butter

Pinch of salt

Half cup Sour milk

Parsley-to garnish

Half spoon butter

1] Boil sweet potatoes with enough watr,just to cover
them in a tightly closed pan-immediately it is ready
put in a dry open plate so it does not get
soggy.Spread the butter on top.

2]Stir the peanut butter with half cup water until it
is smooth.

3]Cook on very low heat and when it starts
boiling,pour in the milk slowly in bits,until it gets
the require consistency-it should be reasonably thick.

-Continue to boil on very low heat for about 10
minutes,until an oily layer appears at the top.

4]Salt it

Serve in a small bowl and garnish with finely chopped

Serve with the sweet potatoes.

Enjoy your meal!

Boiled plantains can also be used in place of

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