we call it shyness its lack of self-esteem

Modesty is a beautifull thing but luck of self-steem could be an obstacle ,it keeps you from living your life the way you want . always living up to a certain standards. in my society its very contagious,many of young bright girls end up in a horrible situation weather its pressure from families or from the society .
They end up in a arrange marriage most of the time ,many of them would´nt accept it if it was up to them to decide , what i don´t understand is some one else leading your life for you . and i have asked alot of them how they feel and what does it mean to them, maybe to understand a little bit better , i find it heartbreaking every time they answer me back ( We can´t do anything about it) than i would be feeling inside i might be pushing it too hard , i always question my self how would i be in that situation . would i have survived .
So we call it Shyness but its actually luck of self-esteem when you can not speak for your self .its a horrible thing to witness .

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