Let it go ......

We listened
We sighed
We frowned
We yawned
We cried
We denied
And I wondered.......

Wondered about my childhood
Wondered about my family
Wondered why things turned out as they did
Wondered what could have been done differently

As I listened to my two friends
Our stories were the same

Stories of broken homes
Stories of disappointing childhoods
Stories of being let down by our parents
Stories of feeling rejected
Stories of feeling neglected

We sighed and kept quiet
All of us immersed back in that world
The world of uncertainty
The world of fears
The world we are all too happy to forget
The world of our childhood

Was the word that permanently left our lips
Why did our parents give up on us so early in life
Why did they not want to face us now and tell us the truth
Why did we still feel miserable 25 to years later
Why ? Why?

I realised that I need to let go
Let go of the pain
Let go of the anger
Let go of the fear
Let go of the worry
Let go of my parents
Let go of my childhood!

It is not easy
but I am working at it ..........

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