It all began with a question

I recall how they made me toil
My plans they wanted to foil
I was made to do all the duties
‘Preparing me for marriage’, they called it
I was to accept it with pride
For soon I would be a bride
And for what was I paying a price ?

It all began with a question
I refused to conform
No pressure or structure
Would oppress and suppress me
Why was I someone’s possession?
I needed to follow my passion
I could not bow down to oppression
And so everything I had to question.

To some I was nothing but a disgrace
My behavior and self they could not embrace.
My own freedom I had to purchase
With courage, determination and questions,
I broke the yoke of detention.
Others thought I craved attention
Names they called me, pain they inflicted,
Harm they did, but I still questioned.

I rose even stronger, my voice much louder
Speaking out, shouting loud and proud.
I questioned why, I asked why not.
It had to begin with a question

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