Story angle for module 2 writing assignment

The interfaith dialogue in Egypt has been an issue that occupied my mind for sometime. The majority of Egyptians are known to be religious people, where religion plays a pivotal role in shaping their values and behaviors. Coming from a Coptic Orthodox background in Egypt, I noticed how the different religious groups in Egypt are so isolated from each other, and look upon each other with suspicion and mistrust. Most of the interfaith initiatives that have taken place in Egypt have been superficial and didn't go deep enough to tackle the underlying causes of the tension between Egyptians coming from different backgrounds. However, some initiatives and projects succeeded in building a relationship of mutual trust and bring the different religious groups closer through community service and a deeper understanding of each others' backgrounds, beliefs and practices.

I want to tackle this topic in my frontline journal, and how service has been a great tool in interfaith dialogue and acceptance of religious diversity.

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