I am not a victim

My name is Lorraine Muwuya 32 years age and am a mother of five children. Four biological and one adopted . I was tested HIV in August 2004 and found out that I was amongst those who had a challenged immunity from the pandemic . I disclosed this to my community and it was taken lightly and some did not believe as they thought I was making a joke about it . It was a talk of the Village but people took it as it was .
It was a sad moment for me , I was pregnant started asking myself a lot of questions and among them were , What has become of me? What is my future and of the unborn like and what’s next? HIV/ AIDS was and is still a disease that people talk about as the worst and a death sentence. I lost hope and confidence in myself.
It took courage for me to go for counseling and being part of a counseling workshop made me put on a new pair of glasses and started seeing with different eyes. I sensed a lot of chaos but later said to myself ‘this chaos is going to bring change in my life’’ and this change being my attitude , behavior and the way I eat. I started to think positively about my life and the future of the unborn.
In 2005 May, I gave birth to a baby boy Takwana is his name . As I was amongst those on Parent To Child Transmission Programme had the priviledge to take Nevirapine before giving birth. The Programme really gave me strength through the teachings and learnings that I acquired from it. I learnt about the preventative measures to be taken before and after giving birth especially when you are HIV+.
The dark , big eyed little fellow arrived and did not have the priviledge to breastfeed. He survived the first six months from Commercial Formula Feed. Later as he grew started feeding from solids and other different vegetables as well as cow’s milk. I took him for a PR24 test, testing for HIV and the boy was found to be HIV negative. This was a miracle in my life and brought a lot of hope as I had lost it before. Takwana is on 22 May 2011 turning six years and I invite you all to celebrate this day with him and me as it brings a lot of JOY and MEANING in my life.
Since 2004 I feel very strong and took control of my life and have not started taking Antiretrovirals. Presently live on Herbal Therapies and Remedies. I pray that I will not start on ARV’s as yet as I am afraid of making my body a pharmacy. I would not want my body to be a pharmacy.
The question that I asked myself was ‘What’s the best possible way to delay HIV into AIDS?’’ Below are the measures that I am taking for myself and others:
I always share my status to other people so that I don’t suffer in silence and this is also a way for me to motivate other people to know their status. This is also a way for me to get the latest updates about HIV.
I have become very conscious of what I eat. I eat healthy and nutritious meals fruits and herbs for the benefit of boosting my immune system and dealing with symptoms. My favourite salads is sprouted sorghum and sour milk. Try it

I say to my fellow human beings if you find out that you are HIV+ it is not the end of life but a start of a new beginning also seek for advice but if you are negative stay as you are and be faithful to your partner.
‘’ I am not a victim’’

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