Introducing myself and my journal: The role of the women in risk management

About Me:
Graduate of the school of psychology of the university of the Mexico valley
Graduated in management of programs of civil protection and disaster reduction for the Centro Nacional para la Reducción de Desastres
Acreditación of the national seminary of civil protection in the avoidance and fights of forest fires for the Dirección General de Protección Civil
Clearance of the international course for managers in health, disasters and develop for the Pan-American Health Organization, international committee of red cross and national institute of public health.
Clearance of the international course Health Emergencies Large Populations in, for the Pan-American Health Organization, international committee of red cross and national institute of public health.
Clearance of the course medicates in situations of catastrophe by Securité Civile of the Ministere de l'Interieur of the France republic.
Course of update for graduates in civil protection in the Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres ( 3 courses )
Decision making course imparted by the Pan-American Health Organization
Logistic Support System imparted by the Pan-American Health Organization
Clearance in the national program of training in civil protection for instructors for the Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres
Clearance of the course Financial Strategies for Managing the Economic Impacts of Natural Disasters by The World Bank Institute
Clearance of the course economic impact of the disasters imparted for the Subregional seat of the economic commission for Latin America
Clearance of the integral course of natural and technological hazards imparted by Dirección General de Protección Civil y Emergencias of the Ministerio del Interior, Spain Goverment. La Antigua, Guatemala
Clearance of the spare path and planning of natural hazards and Tecnológicos, imparted for the Dirección General de Protección Civil y Emergencias of the Ministerio del Interior, Spain Goverment. Madrid, Spain


Coordinator of the forum of youthes in the forum of mutual support( 1996- May March 2000 )
Consultant of the academic direction of the national institute for the education of the adults( 1996- December October 2000 )
Redescubre, A.C. Coordinador of the step program of hazards in human settlings ( 1996 to the date )
Director of civil protection in the Xochimilco delegation( 2000- October September 2006 )
Coordinator of care of emergencies of the secretariat of civil protection of the federal district( 2007- June November 2009 )
Advisor of the coordination of civil protection of the Iztapalapa delegation( December 2010 to the date )
Member of the consultative counseling disaster spare permanent wave and civil protection of the national coordination of civil protection of the secretariat of governing ( 2006 to the date )
Participation in the validity committee of the instruments program to boost the genre transversality of the by United Nations Development Program
Person who submits a paper in diverse courses, seminaries and graduates arranged for government organisms and not government so much nationals as non-citizens
Participation in the following networks:
Gender and Disaster Network
Mexican network of services in emergency
The Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response Association
Inter - agency Network for Education in Emergencies


Aguirre, M.; Gómez -Gil, N.and Acevedo, P (1997) sexuality. Education series for the lifeINEA, Mexico. ISBN 970,18,0216-0
Aguirre, M.; Gómez -Gil, N.and Acevedo, P (1997) illnesses of sexual transmission. Education series for the lifeINEA, Mexico. ISBN 970,18,0217-9
Aguirre, M.; Gómez -Gil, N.and Acevedo, P (1997) AIDS. Education series for the lifeINEA, Mexico. ISBN 970,18,0218-7
Gómez -Gil, N.and García, V.(1997) PaternityEducation series for the lifeINEA, Mexico. ISBN 970,18,0221-7
Aguirre, M.; Gómez -Gil, N.and Acevedo, P (1997) it embarrasses and birth-control methods. Education series for the lifeINEA, Mexico. ISBN 970,18,022-5
Gómez -Gil, N.(1998) The sexuality of the adult peoples. INEA, UNFPA, COESPO Oaxaca. Mexico
Gómez -Gil, N.and Rivero, E (1998) sexuality without maestr@ in six short lessons. Redescubre, A.C. México
Gómez -Gil, N.(2001) elaborate your family plain of civil protection. Redescubre, A.C. México
Gómez -Gil, N.(2002) My hill: hazards and precautions. Redescubre, A.C. México
Gómez -Gil, N.(2003) Beware with the showers. Redescubre, A.C. México

My Passions:
My family, my job

My Challenges:
Devlop a regional strategy in disaster reduction

My Vision for the Future:
Generate awarness in the comunity in disaster management

My Areas of Expertise:
Disaster management

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