Money,Money, Money - Part II - What do you want?

Thoughts are electrical impulses that are translated by our brain and sent throughout our body. If it were possible to monitor all our thoughts, we could think good thoughts all the time. The trouble is that, as researchers have documented, we have approximately 60,000 thoughts a day. To monitor all these thoughts would be impossible. So, our amazing bodies have a "short-cut." This short-cut is called EMOTIONS. When we have good thoughts of happiness, love, abundance, etc. we FEEL good. When we have negative thoughts of anger, jealousy, lack, etc we FEEL bad. How do you feel? Our thoughts and feelings determine our vibration. The Universal Law of Attraction will give us what we think and feel exactly in accordance with our vibrational desires. Mastership of your life comes in mastering your thoughts and feelings and thus your vibration. If you don't like what you are feeling and attracting, change it by changing your attitude.

Also, note that we are continually living in the "residual" of what we desired and were given previously as we desired it. So never say, "Today is just like the rest of my life" if you want to change your life for the better.

Have you ever had a day that just starts off wrong? Then, it seems that day just keeps on getting worse and worse doesn't it? Well, here's the good news: You can change your day immediately, by changing your attitude. Laugh at situations, put on some happy music, call a friend or play with a child. Do whatever it takes 'cause our goal here is what? FEEL GOOD!

Another thing to mention here is that there will be a TIME DELAY between what you want and when it arrives. If all our desires were fulfilled immediately by our 60,000 a day thoughts, oh, my, what a mess. How much time? It may be short time or it may be long time by our human time standards. The key is to not give up. Often the Universe is just about to deliver but our human impatience says, "This doesn't work. This is taking too long" so the Universe says, "Oh, OK then" and it goes away just when you were about to get it. An example of a short time might be as simple as, "I want a cup of tea this morning." and a few minutes later someone offers you a cup of tea. An example of a longer time: I lived in a big city several years ago. The house I lived in had very few windows. I like windows. I kept saying over and over with happy anticipation, "The next house I live in will have lots of windows. A few years later, I ended up living in small town in another state. My mother bought a house here and I agreed to move in to take care of her. The house had 36 windows! It was like living in a fishbowl. It helps to be a little more specific when stating what you want from the catalog of the Universe.

The mantra of the Universal Law of Attraction is: Your wish - all of them - is my command. What you think and feel you will create. Energy flow where attention goes. It may be a direct plop of money in your hands or it may be an inspirational idea that will lead you to the money you want. If you get an inspirational idea, don't delay, don't second guess and don't doubt. Act on it, immediately!

Lesson 2: There are three primary components (while FEELING GOOD) to manifesting money.
1. ASK: From the catalog of the Universe, ask for what you want. Be as specific as you can. Write it down in detail. If you want money, write down exactly how much you want. (You can always get more later.) Make how much you want believable for you. If you don't believe it, it won't happen.
2. BELIEVE YOU ALREADY HAVE IT: This is paramount. Act like you have it. Talk like you have it. Have steadfast faith. KNOW without a single doubt that it is on its way to you. Like my friend says, "I know like I know like I know."
3. RECEIVE. Feel like you will feel when it arrives. Hold your requested amount of money in our hands in your mind. What does it feel like? How would you spend it? Feel it all just like you do have it in your hands. Smile, rejoice and feel good!

Also, ignore any question you have about how the money will arrive. "How" is not your job. The Universe will open the way and provide the way. Not always, but very often, in my experience, the "how" is very surprising unlike anything I could imagine anyway. Sometimes I get an unexpected check. Sometimes I notice my checking account has more money in it even if I have budgeted the account for the month. I love direct deposits!

Exercise: Know that what you think about, you bring about. Keep monitoring your thoughts and feelings. Keep focusing on feeling good. DON"T think and talk about what you Don't want and what you are afraid of. Speak ONLY of what you do want and what you enjoy. When you feel good, you will attract more things and people that help you feel good. For now, give yourself a little test. Whatever you want. Make it believable for you. Put some passion behind it. Keep FEELING GOOD. You are on your way to abundance in all aspects of your life. Keep going. I'll be back next week with some specific, fun "tools" you can use to make your abundance manifest easy.

Let me know how it goes.

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