Trouble with a blurry vision

I've thought about this for about a year now.

When I was 12, I was "randomly selected" for a girl's group that excused 10 or so of my classmates and me to sit around a circular table and hold discussions based on the word of the day: friendship, trust, security, truth, religion, leadership, etc. I don't know exactly why I was chosen for the program, but I'm pretty sure it was due to my outspoken tendencies; always challenging teacher's lectures, questioning the morality of our administration, acting out at times, etc. We always began the class with sun salutations while the Beatles' "Here Comes the Sun" played.

I really learned a lot from that group. All talks were confidential and all the girls were pulled from drastically different backgrounds with a large range of worldviews. Though it was only once a week for a semester, that group has stuck with me.

Because of its impact, and many experiences in my life since then, I've recently started thinking about becoming a mentor-but not an ordinary mentor. It's a bit difficult to describe because I have no idea how I would go about starting this program, so I am reaching out for insight or advice into this line of work.

I'd like to create alternative mentoring curriculum, and get certified in wilderness therapy, yoga, gardening, etc (I know-it's a big goal, and will take a lot of time, but I'm ready to tackle it!) Then I get contracts with schools and organizations to become a temporary mentor, and lead groups. Not exactly sure where I'll get the funding-either apply for grants or create a for-profit business before switching over.

It's not specific to girls or boys, though I could create curricula so I could have some gender-specific groups, depending on the need in the school/community.

I'd also like to incorporate traveling into the idea, so making the curriculum highly adaptable for specific conditions. I plan on taking this contract into multiple regions of the world.

I plan on finding a Master's degree in Direct-Service, International Social Work.

Does anyone have any input on this idea? I feel a little lost in it right now!

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