Stars that tells me stories about women

I look up to the night sky while clearing up the mattresses from the terrace. I feel the cool breeze on my face; my hairs slowly tangle at the back of my head. I look up to the shiny dots of stars. Its winter time and the Orion are there to greet me. I have always loved those three twinkling stars. It has always been there, unchanging, gazing down on us, on the changing world. I seek solace in things that is beyond this earth. Those stars are far from this world. It never has to endure pain, suffering, hatred, anger but it also cannot know what love is. It’s ok because as long as there is no unpleasantness, it is far away from harm. But they have seen it all. They are the witness of all the worldly grief. God knows how many people have sought consolation in them. They don’t offer counsel nor they show you guidance, but it seems they listen with all their might. To me, stars are like a canvas, telling me all sorts of stories. It gives me freedom of wide range of imagination. But it’s not all imaginary. When I look at them, I see women like me, my mother, my sisters, my grandmothers, my aunts all crying for explanation. Explanation of their faith, which I could only picture them to be surrounded by questions to heavenly power, which is said to govern us all.

My mother, heart of my family, is a strong woman. She is so strong that she withhold all the heartfelt judgement in the past and believed her life one day would act on her way. It did. My grandmother's life has been nothing but a series of endearment. When i think about her life, i cannot picture one pleasant day. My sisters and me struggle to understand the way we all females think and how others react to it and try our best to grasp reason for such behavior. My aunts, my cousin, we are all the same, caught in the spiral of judgement from the society and from everyone.

Female gender is a complicated matter to ponder on. However, you don’t have to ask the nature of the conversation when it comes down to feminism. There is a psychological concept that has specifically rooted our society about females.

One of my sociology professors during my college asked the female numbers of my class if they would spend one day and one night in another valley without any family and specifically male support. (It is not common that a girl spends her time away from her home in Nepal) It sounded a little bit challenging but honestly nobody wanted to. He was just acknowledging the truth, which was not the question of female weakness but the apparent fact that even the female populace of the country themselves think we are incapable. However, a woman might question the system of the country on not being able to act upon a certain law and promise to protect the female population from any bodily harm in any parts and corner of the country. No matter where, women are doubted over men. Consequently, we do have someone to point fault but not exactly be specific on it. We could blame the male population, or the system, or the tradition and religion entitling us with certain behavior from birth or the female ourselves. But we know condemning the possible reason for women despondency is not at all the remedy. May be one day, there would come a wave of change that will favor the women, not with pity and certainly not with reluctance but with only one decision, ‘women are capable.’

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