Youtopia - My Vision for a World Free of Violence

When I look to what is coming ahead,

I don’t like what I see

Don’t you dare tell me

That it can only get better, instead.


“I’m sure I can convince you”

You’ll tell me with determination.

Saying there will be no discrimination,

You will continue.


Diversity will be celebrated,

You try to convince me,

Beauty will be seen in all shapes, sizes and colors.

Eventually, we will learn to celebrate our differences.


You just don’t see

Our world is filled with hatred and apathy,

It is never an option to, say,

Imagine everyone is empathetic and kind.


Violence and bigotry prevail.

Wars and violence will continue to plague our future and

It doesn’t seem like

The effects can be reduced or even stopped.


Climate change is present and rapid

Planting trees is a habit of the past.

I refuse to believe that

Pollutants do not saturate the skies.


I envisage a time when

Innovation and sustainable development is at its peak

Although it is possible that

Technology, internet and social media will have consumed us completely.


Maybe it is naive to think that

The gender wage gap will disappear.

And I am sure that

The patriarchy will never die.


Once upon a time, we thought

All religions could co-exist in harmony.

Who would have guessed

Prejudice and supremacism would reign supreme


Gone are the days when

People were inherently humane

I think it is time we realize that

We are doomed.


I wouldn’t tell you that

There is hope in this world

Is it possible that

We will have a bright and colourful future?


Now read it from bottom to top.

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