Horizon Dance

when we turn off the noises
break down our disguises
become aware of our choices
switch control with our vices
bring forth fire from our voices
stop comparing what's nicest

when we listen with our bodies
break apart our sweet dogmas
become what sustains us
switch the whole with the sawdust
bring forth gold from the rust
stop condemning the modest

when we embrace our complexity
break away from inconsistencies
become the full constituency
switch our view of realities
bring forth inherent luminosity
stop the duplicities

we'll still be everyone we am
but that much closer to the Is

imagine a life
that makes no distinction
between arbitrary polarities
on the road to completion
where well-being is charged
by sincere appreciation
and the sheer joy of being
wipes out competition between nations

imagine a self
free from fear, regret, bitterness
wings of unconditional love
making soul travel effortless
where money's a joke
we can barely remember
and our health is sustained
by laughter's glowing embers
where wisdom fills our lungs
and knowledge is our nourishment
and we build only beauty
with unbending intent
moving fluidly through time
no longer imprisoned by linearity
switching dimensions with ease
and perceiving all with clarity

we are SO CLOSE

and we'll still be everyone we am
but that much closer to the Is

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