First post

Well, this is my first entry for this online journal. I have found myself seeking some inspiration and reflection lately, so I am excited about this format.... though maybe a little unsure of how it all works quite yet. I am in a place where I want to be inspired, and feel passionate and wild- and I do, I love my work, but I also feel disconnected.

Since Oct of last year I have worked for the domestic violence coalition in Kentucky. Before that I worked directly with clients- with mostly women who were just at the end of hell/ leaving their abusers and just at the beginning of another kind of hellish journey onto their own lives. It was hard work- but it was powerful work. I work in an office now, plan programs and send a million emails, sometimes I call people because I just can't stand to send another email... and i drive alot. All over the state, I give trainings and visit the shelters but I never have the chance to get close to clients anymore and I miss that.

I started volunteering in November of last year as a hospital advocate once a month for the emergency shelter in my city- but you never know if you will get a call and the last time I held someone's hand and talked about their passions while they lay in a hospital bed was over three months ago. I need to be connected to that- to work directly with some inspirers and let them move me in another new, or the same but with a new vindiction, direction soon. Maybe I will pick up some more of those volunteer shifts.....

I'm off to write a grant now. A grant that will enable me to work with some kids before the violence happens (at least theoretically.... who is to say that some of the teens I am targeting haven't already had their share of pain?) in three different communities across the state. Wish me luck.


First Story
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