It was sunny but the meeting must be attended, I walked briskly becasue I knew they were waiting for me, but I had to first go into a nearby bank to cash the money that was sent through Western Union by Ma L-Lee Starland. It is her stipend to support the girl who had ealier on wanted to sell her child, becasue of house rent, a crime against humanity and the law of the land.

We took some minutes to exchange the usual pleasantries and the meeting began in earnest. After explaining the latest from Ma K-Lee Starland, the Head looked at me and asked unexpectedly, why are you doing what you are doing? I was taken aback and could not really understand immedaitely because that was not what I was expecting, secondly, I have never sat to brood over why I am doing what I am doing and why I find joy in doing it?. In order not to misunderstand her I asked her to rephrase her question, \"I do not really understand what you are saying, can you please explain clearly? I responded. She looked at me again and this time around came out plainly \"What will be your gains?\"

I smiled and could not even answer the question immediately, becasue I had to think about it first, it was the first time I ever thought of 'why I was doing what I used to do'. Knowing fully well that the answer will have a lasting impression on the attendees of the meeting, it took me soome minutes to I selected unambiguous and beautiful choice of words, \"ma, I love to see changes in the lives of indigent women and children\" was my response. She sighed and said, \"this is strange, you have been running around this place since you heard about this girl and you have not stopped visiting\", I smiled again and thanked her too becasue I took that as a compliment knowing fully well that some women who are far away too have not really had a nice sleep since they read about her too.

It has been few weeks now that we have been on the case and formerly, a file was opened for the mother and child. The agreement reached was that the child will attend free creche, the mother will be trained freely in the morning while she starts the business of buying and selling of food in the evening. Parts of the money being sent for her upkeep will be kept by saved in an account to be opened in her name, no matter her snall it is, this will be used to rent an apartment for her and the rest to pay for her equipment at the end of her training.

The organisational head was very grateful and wished that there are were many volunteers interested in the plight of indigent people with no strings attached. There are women and children who are vulnerable all around us, they would have become who they want to be with just a little help from us, when this help is not forthcoming, peopel are left desolate and the consequences of the easiest option be regretable.

Worldpulsarian you are working, you are changing lives, wherever you find yourself, no matter the insignicance of the number of people involved, even if it is one life at a time, we will effect the change we want, and see the tears of joy rolling down the face of indigents in our society.

But on a second thought, why are we doing what we are doing? Why have we decided to effect a change in humanity, why are our numbers so minute when compared to those who do otherwise? Why do some people find joy in inflicting pain on others while others keep smiles on the faces of strangers?

Hmn! why are you doing what you are doing priceless volunteers?

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